Barry Evans, who came along to the anniversary bash, has arranged for me to
do an OSM talk + Q&A related to cycling to members of the on the evening of 2nd Oct. As that night is
also our traditional OSM social night it would be great to have as many
OSMers along to socialise with a different group and help spread the OSM
word. The meeting will be at their clubroom in Cofton Hackett.

When: Thurs 2 Oct 2014 at 1930
Where: Rednall Social Club ( )
What: suggestion- Intro to OSM organisation + OSM for cyclists + Q&A etc

Although the clocks will have gone back, a visit to the area is an ideal
opportunity to pick up more of the Longbridge developments.

If you are definitely able to come please let me know so that I know what
support I might have.


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