(top-posting because it probably does make sense to keep the whole of the previous email together at the end)

I suspect that this might be partly related to this enhancement request:


The tl;dr of that is "nominatim works much better with areas rather than nodes".

and of course I suspect from what you're saying that http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/8096746 shouldn't be tagged "place=suburb".

Another thing to think about might be that even when you fix it in the data, I'm not sure that Mapquest's nominatim will update (they recently changed the technology they're using and tile layers such as https://otile2-s.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/osm/17/64777/42820.png don't seem to be being updated; not sure if their nominatim is still being updated too).

Answering the questions:

> 1. Is there any recognised use of 'suburb' in the UK (or West Midlands) for smaller towns ?

I think so - there's certainly been discussion in London over what is a "suburb" and what a "town". I can't comment on the West Mids though - not really a local.

> 2. Why is this appearing in the description for places well away from the location ?

That's the issue above I believe.

> 3. I assume that it is OK just to delete the 'place=suburb' tag (I haven't done any OSM editing for some time &
> I'm a bit out of touch) ?

That "place=suburb" on a way looks wrong to me too - I'd just delete it. That mapper has made relatively few edits, and the last was over 8 years ago so I doubt they'll be contactable.



On 24/04/2016 11:26, Iain Simpson wrote:
I'm creating a database of all my geotagged photos and using a 'reverse nominatim' search to describe the location (using Mapquest).

Some of the descriptions are peculiar in that they return a 'suburb' which is inaccurate.


lat="52.8186007" lon="-2.1179502"
returns :

<road>Marston Road</road>
<suburb>Salcombe Avenue</suburb>
<state_district>West Midlands</state_district>
<postcode>ST16 3BT</postcode>
<country>United Kingdom</country>

'Salcombe Avenue' is a minor residential street 2km to the SE.

Much of east Stafford is designated as part of this 'suburb'

On investigation the only 'suburb' ref is for way 8095766 changeset 35344 created in 2007 and never changed.

1. Is there any recognised use of 'suburb' in the UK (or West Midlands) for smaller towns ?

2. Why is this appearing in the description for places well away from the location ?

3. I assume that it is OK just to delete the 'place=suburb' tag (I haven't done any OSM editing for some time & I'm a bit out of touch) ?

(I'm now going to try and find out how the Reverse Nominatim actually works.)

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