Hi everyone

Mainly for west mids mappers but cross-posted to talkgb for a wider

For some time I've collaborated with TfWM who make extensive use of
OpenStreetMap. Together we've refreshed the entire NapTAN dataset for the
West Midlands and we're engaged on an ongoing basis in solving data quality
issues where the OSM data throws up errors with their bus routeing software.
Word spreads and at a regional meeting of  shire transport authorities
there was a request for contact with local OSM volunteers in the following

Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Stoke, Telford, Warwickshire,

If anyone wants to volunteer please get in touch with me and I can put you
in touch. It will mainly involve dealing with errors they spot such as
missing/wrong roadnames, missing/wrong roads. With TfWM there's been an
average of one of these week, sometimes bunched together followed by weeks
with nothing - so not a heavy workload and worth the effort to improve the

If my experience is anything to go by, there'll be an initial peak and then
they'll realise, with a little prompting, it's easier and quicker to fix
the errors themselves. But it's good to have an initial period of
handholding as  I think they are respectful  of causing any damage


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