I would put a lot less feeder roads in. How does it look if you only split
the road when there is a physical object it needs to go around? For example
don't split the left/right turn lanes when driving frm Technology Drive to
Mill Road as there is no physical barrier between these lanes.

If you'd like, I can have a go at mapping it how I would do it so that you
can compare...let me know?


On Tue, 28 May 2019 at 23:53, Gareth L <o...@live.co.uk> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Is there a nice example of mapping road junctions? Particularly ones that
> are spread out?
> Basically, I’ve had a punt at mapping the junction between technology
> drive and mill road in Rugby.
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/52.38125/-1.24981 It has all the
> turn restrictions correct, and I’d expect it to route beautifully, but...
> avoiding the mapping for the renderer pitfalls, it looks rather rough.
> My objective here was actually to allow myself to map the pedestrian/cycle
> ways more clearly - especially the crossing islands - as the crossing
> doesn’t clear right across the junction, just across the lane. The issue is
> this large T junction is spread over a very large area of asphalt with
> filter lanes etc.
> I guess my gripe is having a bunch of ways representing what is really a
> field of asphalt. I’d welcome some advice on this, even if it’s “oh gads,
> revert that to a simple T junction immediately”, although in that case I’d
> really like to know the right way to do it, if such a thing exists.
> There’s substantial mapillary and google streetview imagery available of
> this location if you want some context.
> Kind regards
> Gareth
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