I always had diffculty in the mapping for the HS2 provided by the Department for Transport. It's difficult to find the appropriate PDF and when you've got the right PDF it's big and difficult to orientate.

So, in case it helps (possibly in several years time!), I've a website that provides mapping for the HS2:

For phase 1, the mapping uses data for the route that was published by the DfT on January 10th 2012. I believe this to be the lastest data that is available. However, it may be out-of-date.

On Wed, 18 Dec 2019, Andy Robinson wrote:



Still a bit early to mobilise the troops for general HS2 related mapping. 
Clearance, demolition, utility diversions and compound establishment is still 
the focus along
with infrastructure that facilitates HS2 like the work near the NEC. The main 
construction should get underway next year but it could be 2021 in some areas. 
The first
signs will be when fencing contractors start to fence off either side of the 
land take for the main linear construction works.


There is a wiki page at https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/High_Speed_2 but 
it’s probably time to create a new page specifically for the Phase 1 
construction so I’ve
added an empty stub link at the top of the High Speed 2 page if anyone fancies 
dropping in any text/info. Folks who are keeping an eye on their patch can if 
they like add
their name and any notes to the construction page to save duplication of 
mapping effort and improve communication.


As for site entrances & references etc, useful to have them in OSM but note 
some may change as the project moves from enabling works to full HS2 construction. 
Not all
compounds are the responsibility of the main HS2 contractors.






From: Brian Prangle [mailto:bpran...@gmail.com]
Sent: 16 December 2019 20:33
To: Andy Robinson
Cc: talk-gb-westmidlands
Subject: Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] HS2 phase 1 updates - Solihull interchange 


Thanks for the update Andy: drove past there on Sunday and things have moved on 
considerably. I've updated appropriately. Do you think it's necessary to have 
compounds identified by name and entrance? They're going to be around for a 
couple of years and folk will need to get to them. I've also updated  some 
demolition areas in
Birmingham. I'm on the updates list for HS2 for Warwicks and Birmingham now. Do 
you think it would be a good idea for OSMers to adopt a stretch of the HS2 
route and keep
an eye on it - possible set HS2 up as a UK OSM national project with its own 
wiki page ( you might already have done this). Thanks for all your sterling 
efforts in
getting the data in.


Regards and Merry Xmas




On Fri, 13 Dec 2019 at 16:29, Andy Robinson <ajrli...@gmail.com> wrote:

      The link below provides info on compounds and new highway bridge 
      being set-up and constructed next year in and around the proposed
      interchange station by the NEC.



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