Hi all,

*(sending again as I tried to attach an image last time).*
Perhaps I'm overthinking it, but I noticed a direct screenshot from OSM of
Coventry, with some text overlay in a Channel 4 documentary on YouTube,
with no attribution. There is also no credit at the end as stipulated in
the Attribution Guidelines:

*For fictional productions or where the map is not the focus of the
production, attribution may be given on the map, in end credits, or, if the
video is distributed via a digital format that includes a description,
within the description. When attributing via the end credits or the
description, the URL to openstreetmap.org/copyright
<http://openstreetmap.org/copyright> must be included.*

There is also a clause about "Incidental footage" giving an example of
filming a person using OSM on their laptop. But I wonder if, given this is
a produced graphic for the production, such a rule still applies?

Just food for thought.

The production is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdHYM7QT9kw and the
OSM map is visible from 2:35.

Screenshot of the use here:

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