
There is an article in this weeks New Scientist (25 August 2007, Page
28)[1] about a 3D model of London created by the Centre for Advanced
Spatial Awareness (CASA)[2] at University College London.  Apparently
the model was to be integrated with Google Earth but the data was
derived for the OS MasterMap and Google was unable to agree licencing
terms with the OS.  According to the article Google wanted to pay a
fixed fee but the OS was was looking to use their standard terms based
on how many people access the data.

>From an OSM point of view there are two good things about this article:

1) OSM is explicitly mentioned in the article as a challenger to the
current OS business model.

2) It is publicity about the problems with the OS attitude to data and
in a widely read, respected, magazine.

The article, though short, is well worth a read.  There are some great
quotes about the OS being a dinosaur and failing to adapt to Web 2.0.
There also seems to be coverage in the Guardian, I don't know if it
mentions OSM.


[2] http://www.casa.ucl.ac.uk/

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