

I've just received this in my capacity as the Bath Ramblers web person. <>  may be of interest as a



Frank Tompson
Connect2Tunnels <>


From: Galina Selpanova [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 10 September 2007 12:45
To: "mailto:frankie"
Subject: donations opportunity-leisure software for ramblers


Brookfield Park


Hello, Frank.


I am Galina from Mapyx Ltd, contacting you regarding our mapping software
QUO for leisure outdoor activities.


So why are we contacting you.


Simple . we would like to offer you ongoing 15 % donations to your charity
business on all sales from your members of our mapping software . just for
putting a link on your site to ours for free.


We are interested in setting up a partnership or affiliation with your
organisation. Please find detail below. If you would like any further
information, please do not hesitate to contact me, on the details at the end
of this document. 


It's not often that you are offered ongoing donations to your charity for
less than 15 minutes work.


But that's the exact opportunity we'd like to offer you.


Your member visits your site for several reasons, to be kept informed, to be
part of a group of like-minded people and to learn.


You see, your members are enthusiasts and having access to maps is vital for
their favoured activity.  Having access to new maps will allow them to
maximise their experience and make sure they miss nothing.


Quo helps all outdoor enthusiasts make the most of their outdoor activities.


Let me explain.


This FREE software tool has been designed specifically for those who enjoy
outdoor sports, pursuits and explorations . and is perfect for clubs and
societies wanting to share experiences as well as pass on practical
information through the Internet.  Plus all routes can be easily stored with
pictures, sounds and videos.


All you need do is add in the map areas of your choice, available in various
packages at low costs . so the maps are all completely tailor-made to the
individuals requirements which means they only have to buy what they need .
as you'll see a perfect solution for your members.


This software includes Ordnance Survey GB Miniscale map, route planning,
distance measuring and drawing tools.  It covers the whole of the UK, and
shows all major towns and cities as well as main roads and rivers, which are
all clearly presented and user friendly. Your members can even visualise
their trips in 3D before they leave.


As well as being able to share experiences or projects through the Internet
with Quo, your members can find new routes or sightings!




They look to you and your business as the experts in the field and your
recommendations are taken seriously, that's why by putting the link on your
site, your members can easily come to our site and purchase a range of
mapping solutions that they need.


Our software will record where they came from and any sales made, you'll
receive 15% of the order value, you can keep this as a new revenue stream or
give it back to the members . its your choice.


If you'd like to experience the software, we'd be delighted to send you a
fully working copy for your review, just email [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
you will receive a copy within a couple of days, for more information on the
products and the company please check out our website where you see some
great testimonials and reviews of the products


I shall call you in the next couple of days to answer any questions you may


I look forward to hearing from you.


Kind regards







Tel. 01733 570 444


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