On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 10:18:32AM +0100, Andrew Chadwick (email lists) wrote:
> Robert (Jamie) Munro wrote:
> > Oxford is supposedly one of the better mapped cities in OSM, and looking
> > at the map seems to agree, but a lot of problems show up when you try to
> > route through it using Gosmore. See:
> > http://tile.openstreetmap.nl/%7Elambertus/routing-world/?flat=51.752947&flon=-1.268004&tlat=51.750237&tlon=-1.24131&v=motorcar&fast=1
> > which takes many no-car roads.
> Chiefly The High, and Queen Street. The High currently does not carry
> any access tags at all, but that's an easy fix (it's PSV/taxi/bike/foot
> IIRC).

Well, only until 6pm, then it's open again.  A section representing the "Bus
Gate" (actually, much longer than that) does have car=restricted on it, but
I guess that's not sufficent!


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