> I'd like a cheap digital camera to use when I'm out noting 
> things for mapping purposes; our existing camera eats batteries.

You can pick up cameras in the model range I have (the Minolta DiMAGE Z
series, I have the Z3 - as they're old(ish) models now, you can get em DIRT
cheap, but they still have fairly good 12x optical zoom, take SD cards and
AA batteries. They also have an alright body format (faux-SLR), a popup
flash and sit in the hand quite nicely. Disadvantage of them is that they
don't have focus lamps (mine doesn't at least), so they can be problematic
focussing in low light conditions - but it's a shortcoming I'm quite happy
with, I've had my Z3 for almost five years now!

http://www.cameras.co.uk/details/konica-minolta-dimage-z3.cfm for more info.

> Alternatively if anyone can recommend some good quality, 
> reasonably priced, high capacity rechargeable AA batteries 
> that work well in their digital camera then that may work out 
> a cheaper option.

I almost exclusively use Energizer NiMH 2500mAh rechargeables, you can pick
up a pack of 4 for a few quid from SVP.co.uk (whereas if you try to buy them
in Tesco, Waitrose or Boots, they're easily more than £12 - Tesco were
trying to sell them for £17 with a cheapo charger when I last checked!)

I buy all my recordable media from SVP too, so I usually buy a pair of AAs
with every other order I place - they come in very useful! It's worth
getting an express charger for them though, slow charging takes aaaages
because of their capacity. Alternatively you could always buy some
rechargeables from somewhere like 7dayshop.com (my housemate buys all his
digital and analogue photography stuff from there, along with his
rechargeables, and he's been a happy customer of theirs for a few years

HTH :)

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