Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 01:33:11PM +0100, Andrew Chadwick (email lists) wrote:
>> Abingdon in Oxfordshire is heavily infested with dragons. Would any
>> heroic .uk/.ie/.elsewhere OSMers out there be willing to help drive them
>> off, in principle?
> [...]
> Yup, sounds good. My upcoming weekends are pretty busy, though; could
> make 5th Oct, then not until 25th/26th Oct.

The 25th Oct would clash with the Manchester party and the 5th Oct is 
way too early. Would Saturday the 1st of November suit you as well?

(BTW, what was that service you used a while back to to online pick-a- 
date votes for events? Might be useful for this.)

Andrew Chadwick

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