Hi OSMers,

As many of you will be award Cloudmade are generously sponsoring a monthly
mapping party at the moment and so far we have had great success in
Bradford, Manchester, Stratford-upon-Avon and Evesham.

Now that Winter is upon us I'm struggling a little to get the level of
interest for the next three parties on the following dates:

Dec 13/14, 2008
Jan 24/25, 2009
Feb 21/22, 2009

My provisional plans for December till now have been for a party that
weekend in Plymouth, which has a 250,000 population (similar to Bradford),
Yahoo imagery and very little mapping to date. However I'm struggling to
find people locally with availability that weekend. It's possible that the
run up to Christmas is getting in the way as well perhaps as a perceived
concern about the weather at this time of year (though last year we had good
dry weather all the way till Christmas).

As a result I thought I would open the debate up to the list to see if we
can indeed get enough interest for Plymouth or whether others have better
suggestions, and more importantly think we can get a decent show of

A few pointers from previous events:

1. Locations with an active Linux User Group are usually well supported.
It's these groups (and other computer groups) that appear to give us most
new users or who best spread the word.
2. We normally find that attendance on Sundays is 50% that of Saturdays
3. Participants prefer informal venues (where we can organise refreshments)
and access to wifi is definitely preferred. 
4. Being able to identify a clear target area or theme for the mapping.
Completing the target has been one of the successes of the first three
Cloudmade sponsored events.

I'd like to hear from anyone who has good contacts locally with their local
Linux or similar group and with a logical suggestion of a mapping location.
I'll be doing most of the legwork in setting up but local knowledge about
venues and any assistance will be gratefully received.

If anyone else is interested in Plymouth for the December event then please
also get in touch. If I see some interest from OSMer's I'll still push ahead
and get Plymouth on the map. As a fall back we can also Yahoo! trace it



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