On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 6:48 PM, Richard Grundy
<webmana...@tristandc.com> wrote:
> Dear Ævar
> Thanks for your email message re Tristan maps.
> I manage the www.tristandc.com website and edit the Tristan Newsletter from
> my home in the UK having taught in the island school some years ago
> I have checked out the map you (?) have produced on OpenStreetMap Project :
> (
> http://openstreetmap.org/?lat=-37.1119454140549&lon=-12.2877384718191&zoom=14
> )
> which appears to be an outline of the coast with a triangle marking the
> centre of the island with the words 'Tristan da Cunha' and the words
> 'Edinburgh of the Seven Seas' in the vicinity of the Settlement. Have I
> missed something?

Yes, sorry. My blog posting linked (and still does, I can't change
that) to the version of the map which the project updates weekly.
Since I just changed it yesterday it won't update until
Wednesday/early Tuesday. Here are updated versions:

Tristan da Cunha & The Settlement:
Inaccessible Island:
Gough Island: 

What I've done is relatively limited, I've improved the definition of
the coastline from NASA satellite imagery, traced some (but not all)
of the streams/rivers on the islands, and added locality names seen on
this map: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tristan_Map.png

> I find this project interesting, but have access to other good quality maps,
> some of them digital, though all with copyright restrictions. I have
> existing permission to use some in my publishing projects on behalf of the
> island, and look forward to further local work to improve the cartography of
> the area. I have worked with on eor two publishers to help correct errors ,
> especially topographical and place names.

That's interesting, although in all likelyhood it's not data that can
be used for OSM, to quote the project charter:

   OpenStreetMap creates and provides free geographic data such as
street maps to anyone
   who wants them. The project was started because most maps you think
of as free actually
   have legal or technical restrictions on their use, holding back
people from using them in
   creative, productive, or unexpected ways.

Usually such map data is under restricted terms which prevent it from
being used in OSm, there's some further info on this in the Legal FAQ:


However, it may well be that you have existing maps, digital or
otherwise, which you have the right to license under the license OSM
uses, this was the case with the Isle of Man for instance where the
local government could license their map data for use in OSM, with
good results:


> You may also be interested to know that Tristan da Cunha is not on the
> Mid-Atlantic Ridge, but is an active hotspot further east of the submarine
> ridge.

My knowledge of hydrographic features of the Atlantic fails me yet
again, thanks for correcting that:)

> I note that your email also went straight to the island, and as a result you
> may get a positive response to using GPS locally to improve the
> OpenStreetMap of the island.

Getting a contact locally that could survey using a GPS would be
ideal. The reason I contacted you and the other address I mailed is
because I found the contact details on the tristandc.com website and I
didn't know who else to contact.

Is there someone else on-site I should be in contact with?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason [mailto:ava...@gmail.com]
> Sent: 28 December 2008 03:11
> To: enquiries...@gmail.com; webmana...@tristandc.com;
> talk-gb@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: OpenStreetMap map of the Tristan da Cunha archipelago
> Hello there, my name is Ævar and I'm from Iceland (the other side of
> the mid-Atlantic ridge) and I'm writing to inform you that I've
> improved the map of the Tristan da Cuncha archipelago in my own free
> time as part of the OpenStreetMap project, see:
> http://openstreetmap.org/user/%C3%86var%20Arnfj%C3%B6r%C3%B0%20Bjarmason/diary/4525
> The OpenStreetMap project is a collaborative project by ordinary
> people around the world with the aim of creating a free map of the
> globe, see:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Main_Page
> But to business. I'm interested in getting in contact with some people
> on-site in Tristan da Cunha to get them to bike/drive around roads on
> the island with a GPS device (locally provided) so that the
> OpenStreetMap project can make a map of the island, further details on
> how the OSM project normally does map making can be seen here:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mapping_techniques
> The benefit to the people of Tristan da Cunha would be obvious;
> Currently the archipelago isn't mapped on any of the big commercial
> mapping sites like Google Maps or Yahoo Maps. The reason for this is
> obvious, the island is remote and the market for maps of Tristan da
> Cuncha isn't commercially viable for these big mapping companies.
> Tristan da Cunha *is* commercially viable to the people living there
> however and a map showing the road network, shops, the main amenities
> (swimming pool etc.) could be used locally, given out (or sold) to
> tourists at no cost, and used on Tristan da Cunha's official website
> (tristandc.com) if someone would merely go through the one-time effort
> of collecting the required ground data to make it.
> If this is something you're interested in please stay in touch, I'd be
> glad to help in any way possible. I'm sending a copy of this message
> to OpenStreetMap's Talk-GB mailing list in for records and in case
> other users are interested.
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