On Fri, 3 Apr 2009, David Earl wrote:

> FWIW, I agree largely with the specific points on your wiki page, but I don't 
> think it will happen because of the effort involved.

The wiki page wasn't really supposed to be a "this is how it needs to be" 
solution - the hope was to get people talking about how stuff can be 
improved without immediately dismissing anything that wasn't on the path 
of least resistance.  I can understand people being indifferent, but to be 
met with sarcastic replies and put-downs instead of intelligent 
conversation was pretty offputting.

Personally, I don't think the current tagging scheme is really 
maintainable in the long run and that eventually there will need to be a 
revolution, rather than evolution, in the way the data is represented, and 
I worry about the future of project if people with new ideas are turned 
away like this.

> There is also a camp which actively 
> wants a node to be able to have more than one "type" in your terminology: we 
> have (non-accidental) examples of place=town and building=town_hall for 
> example, and (worse) place=town and amenity=post_box on the same node. I 
> think that's ludicrous myself, and I'm sure you do too, but there are those 
> who don't see it that way.

I agree that this sounds pretty crazy (although I'm rather of the opinion 
that using a node instead of an area to identify a town for anything other 
than a temporary measure is wrong).  There are a lot of cases where 
tagging objects as multiple things makes sense though - one example was 
given on the wiki page with roads that become pistes in the winter, but 
there are other such examples.  There may even be merit in having a single 
node tagged as both a posting box and a bus stop if it happens to be a 
pole with both a posting box and a bus stop mounted on it.

  - Steve
    xmpp:st...@nexusuk.org   sip:st...@nexusuk.org   http://www.nexusuk.org/

      Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

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