On 5 Jun 2009, at 09:06, Peter Childs wrote:

> 2009/6/4 Peter Miller <peter.mil...@itoworld.com>:
>> Makes sense.
>> Another log...  What about trains? Network Rail use mph, so I would
>> suggest we do the same.
> Do they? I've seen quite a few Rail Signs that seam to be in km/h. Not
> being a train driver I'm not always sure. I think that it might be
> that National Rail use mph and Euro Tunnel use kph. I think we might
> have to find a train expert to check.....
The network rail documentation, as linked from here talks about mph,  
but you might well be right about the channel tunnel link

> On a simular subject are there ways of Tagging 3rd Rail vs Overhead  
> Power etc
You should be following talk-transit where we are discussion such  
ideas at present. We haven't touched on Overhead Power yet, but there  
is a proposal to rationalise and extend pt tagging at present that  
could include it:-

> Oh and London Bridge is a mess, on 5 or 6 Layers. Needs major work,
> but is very difficult.... Is there a way of tagging platforms with
> where the trains go. eg Platform 3 - Maidstone and Paddock Wood for
> Strood.

Lots of current discussion about tagging of complex stations on talk- 

And also.... I think the railway lines in london need relations for  
each line. Currently the names of lines are encoded in the ways which  
just doesn't work. One ends up with ways named as 'Circle, Hammersmith  
and City, and Metropolitan line'

Would any object if we were to remove the names from the ways and at  
the same time create ways for each line? Fyi, at ITO we have been  
doing some work on relationships for railway line which seems to be  
very effective. Here is an example:

Possibly we could do something similar for the underground

Fyi, Joss (who works for ITO) is  in the process of preparing a new  
OSM railway wiki page in his user area which lists lines and gives  
relations where they are available.



> Peter.

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