Andy Allan wrote:
> Gah, the common misconception rears up again. Repeat after me:
> It is perfectly OK to tag for the renderer
> It's not on to tag incorrectly for the renderer
> Or if you like:
> OK = Hey Andy I see you render NCN mileposts. What tags make them get
> rendered since I want to put mileposts in and get them to show up.
> BAD = Hey Andy I like the pink industrial areas and want my flowerbed
> to show up pink too. What tags do you render for industrial areas?

I would hope you could tell from the tone of the email how serious I was

That said, as long as your first example includes the possibility of an
intermediate stage of "OK, but do you think this slightly different
tagging scheme would be clearer/more flexible/closer to real life", then
I'd just call that an example of good practice in OSM. It's
collaborating and coming to consensus -- you're agreeing a tag scheme
for NCN mileposts, and you could do that without having them show up

If, on the other hand, you said to have a milepost show up on OCM it
needed to be tagged "phallus=grimshaw" and refused to change it, then
people would end up tagging for the renderer, rather than an agreed scheme.

It's the discussion (but *no* "voting") that's important.

Jonathan (Jonobennett)

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