Progress on English boundaries has been amazing recently. 
. Wales and Scotland seem to need champions and are not so far  
advanced for some reason.

What is really good is that we now have people using them for useful  
purposes (see Peter Reed's post earlier today)

I suggest that we:

1) Complete the conversion from boundary=administrative ->  
boundary=ceremonial for the ceremonial-only counties. I will do this  
and also change the name of these to 'Blar (ceremonial)' to make a  
clear distinction from the administrative boundary.

2) Work out why Hampshire, and the South East Region are still broken.  
Frederik - any ideas about why? We seem to have run out of ideas and  
your boundary tool might be able to provide us with some clues.

3) We need to add administrative county boundaries for a number of  
counties where we already have ceremonial boundaries. This is  
straightforward in places where the unitaries already have complete  
boundaries - I created admin boundaries for East Sussex and Essex this  
morning, but there are still others to do (Devon/ Dorset etc).  
Possibly people could grab some and do them on a rainy day.

4) Of course there are still other boundaries to collect. It would be  
great to complete the unitary/county level first (admin-level=6)  
across England to allow Peter Reed's stats to work. Some boundaries  
are not possibly to establish from NPE maps. Is anyone progressing the  
difficult ones?



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