On Tue, 2009-08-18 at 14:36 +0100, Nick Whitelegg wrote:
> >Also, the definitive map/statement is not even definitive! The
> >Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 set a cut off date of 2026 for
> >all rights of way to be recorded on definitive statements or be lost,
> Going off the OSM subject, but: would presence on an NPE map as a black 
> dashed line but non-existence as a right of way be evidence of a "lost 
> way" I wonder? I know of quite a few round here that would fit this 
> description.

Most OS maps I've seen (even the out of copyright ones) have some form
of disclaimer along the lines of "The representation on this map of a
Road, Track, or Footpath, is no evidence of the existence of a right of
way.". I'd guess that the NPE map alone would not be sufficient evidence
but would be a good candidate for further investigation.


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