Then you could tag them:

(implying not suitable for vehicles)

Matt Williams wrote:
> 2009/8/28 Chris Hill <>:
>> In many towns and cities in the UK there are small ways behind rows of
>> houses.  In my part of the world (Yorkshire) we know them as a tenfoot
>> (they are traditionally 10 feet wide).
>> I have not mapped many - they often seem private to the houses, but
>> today I did follow a couple.  I wonder how everyone else would tag
>> them.  I have tentatively tagged them as highway=alley (not yet in the
>> map features) since this feels a bit more international than tenfoot.  I
>> could use highway=service, I suppose they are service roads, but they
>> feel a bit different from a service road leading to a fuel station or
>> supermarket, particularly narrower and with very sharp corners around
>> buildings.
> Recently there's been a lot more use of
> highway=service
> service=<something>
> where <something> is driveway or parking aisle etc. Looking at
> it seems there's a
> mention there of service=alley. I guess it could be useful for these.
> In my experience these are often used by the binman and friends since
> they offer easier access but are not supposed to be used by normal
> cars.
> This should differentiate these 'serviceway alleys' from the smaller 5
> foot (or so) alleyways that you can also get behind houses. I've been
> tagging those as highway=footway thus far.

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