On 07/10/2009 12:28, Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists) wrote:
> Which NPE WMS are you using. Is it by any change the "nick" version on dev?

Indeed it is. That's presumably the setting I've had all along.

> I get a much better alignment for that area with the re-rectified NPE tiles
> from TimSC's space at http://dev.openstreetmap.org/~timsc/wms2/map.php?

Yes, indeed, vastly better (and the images are clearer too, and the 
tiles braking up problem isn't there). Even if I pan several tens of km 
it is still in sync, and it seems to be in sync from the download - no 
initial adjustment needed.

So the fix is to remove the old ones :-)

Thanks, that will improve my mapping enormously.


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