Nick Whitelegg wrote:
>Sent: 23 October 2009 10:43 AM
>Subject: [Talk-GB] Proper Rights of Way coverage map
>Hello everyone,
>Following on from the unintentional rights-of-way coverage map generated
>by zooming out from the OSM/First Edition mashup that I mentioned the
>other day, I've now done a script to generate a real one.
>It's available at
>That page also details what I consider "rights of way". It shows quite
>well which areas of England and Wales have good ROW coverage and which
>need a lot more work (a project for 2010, perhaps?)
>Also see the blog post
>Note that these maps are generated from Freemap's copy of the OSM
>database, so might be up to a week out of date. I normally update Freemap
>weekly so some animations should be possible in future!
>Also note that areas immediately around the big cities are excluded from
>the Freemap database, but then they wouldn't have many rights of way

Couple of comments on that. Quite a lot of PROW within the urban sprawl.
These being ways that have had to be adjusted and realigned when housing
development extended, but at least were maintained as a route.

I assume your render is looking for the designation tag?  A lot of footways
I've added don't have that on them yet so wouldn't show up. How about a
combined map to show the extent of this difference, if indeed that is the
basis of your present version.



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