Hi folks,

There's a new post on Muki Haklay's blog where he has re-run the
Meridian2 and OSM comparison for march 2008 to october 09. Couldn't
see it on the lists so am sharing here :)


He's talked about this at some SOTMs too.

"The growth within just over a year and a half  is very impressive.
Rising from 27% in March 2008 to 65% in October 2009. When attributes
are considered, it gone from 7% to 25%. Notice that the criteria that
I have set for this comparison is stringent than the one in the
previous study, so the numbers – especially for the attribute
completeness – are lower than those published in August 2008."

Looks like the full report will be out later.
Cheers Muki, love this analysis!


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