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Russ Phillips wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 7:45 PM, Peter Miller <peter.mil...@itoworld.com> 
> wrote:
>> Thinking about it, one could get OSM to produce a list of things to check
>> for any particular trip - First one would produce a GPX for the trip and
>> then a 'job-creator' would identify streets without names, villages without
>> letter boxes, ways with 'FIXME' tags and also of course unchecked bus stops
>> and produce an itinerary and map to things to do on the way.

A feature I suggested for routing apps was a mode that you could use if
you had to get from A to B but not in a hurry. It would treat places
that had errors as less costly in terms of routing, so that routes would
be biased towards them. It's usually quite easy for a routing algorithm
detect no name streets and FIXMEs and cost them lower.

Then have the UI signal you when you reach an error and let you leave a
voice note for yourself to be able to correct the error later.

It should also let you leave voice notes, and start recording a track,
when your GPS lock is good (low HDOP) but you are not close enough to a
way that it knows about.

Robert (Jamie) Munro
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