On Jan 18, 2010, at 11:27 AM, Andy Allan wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 6:20 PM, SteveC <st...@asklater.com> wrote:
>> On Jan 18, 2010, at 11:08 AM, Andy Allan wrote:
>>> This isn't me saying that I disapprove of a commercial company giving
>>> away a whole load of raster maps for free, I'm saying I don't think
>>> the government should be funding it.
>> Okay so you feel rasters are a special case, different to vectors.
>> But given the choice between
>> a) giving away the rasters and OS losing 9 million quid a year, or
>> b) selling them as they do now
>> surely (a) is better because it frees up the maps, provides a better 
>> platform for innovation and weakens the OS? And I say weaken, because a 
>> weaker OS is far and away more likely to be more clueful about licensing and 
>> so on than it is now. And if it isn't, then a weaker OS is far better for 
>> the british geodata industry in that it will allow more competition.
>> I think the point we're disagreeing on is that you would see that 9 million 
>> quid as filled in by central government raising their funding, whereas I'd 
>> expect the budget to remain static (I can't see central government upping OS 
>> at the expense of hospitals and schools right now) and OS to have to cut 
>> other activities or start other for-profit activities to compensate.
> I take your point on the "least worst" thing, but Page 11 of the
> consultation shows, for both Option 2 and Option 3 (Option 1 being
> "as-is") that the funding would increase to compensate.
> "Significant funding from government would be required."
> "Government would provide funding for the maintenance and delivery of
> these datasets."
> "This option would require substantial changes to the existing sources
> of revenue, at the heart of which is a shift towards government paying
> more."

Ah apologies I didn't realise. It feels like one of those catch 22 heads we 
lose, tails the OS wins kind of situations. I kind of suspected it would be 
like that which was my reasoning for not bothering with it in the first place.

I'll read the full doc.

Yours &c.

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