As you've probably heard the Ordnance Survey is going to open some data next 
week. We don't exactly know what data or what license it will be under but 
there's a reasonable chance it won't be importable in to OSM because either the 
data will be low scale or released with an incompatible license.

If that's the case then I propose we start, separate from OSM, an OpenOS 
project. I basically see it as either a clearinghouse for putting up converted 
formats for the data and/or a full OSM stack, mapnik, potlatch and all for 
editing and fixing it. Because as Russ Nelson keeps saying, datasets without a 
community are dead.

I propose that until we know it's compatible, usable and so on in OSM that no 
OSM resources are spent/used on something like this. Thus, I've bought the 
domain to host it and set up a google group which you're welcome 
to join to help discuss what to do if/when we get some data.

I think this data will need a community, tools and editing and who better to 
build all that than people from OSM?

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