The process of creating map tiles from Ordnance Survey StreetView in our
required format is now largely complete (zoom 17 tiles not yet available)
and can be viewed here:

These tiles can now be used as a backdrop in editors. However before you
start editing, please consider the following:

1. Don't assume the OS data is either correct or up to date. Use it as a
guide and additional resource for your mapping, not a replacement.

2. Please add source tags to any data you add to OSM from OS StreetView. See
the tag suggestions:

3. If you're tempted to map in an area you're not familiar with, contact any
local contributors first. Please don't alienate other contributors by
treading on their toes. They will know their local area better than anyone

4. Look for places that have been mapped using Yahoo! imagery and don't have
road names. This is a good place to start.

5. Avoid simply duplicating OS data in blank areas of OSM unless you're
familiar with the area and don't have access to other resources such as a

6. In May the OS will release a further vector based product which may
provide better data for buildings than tracing from OS StreetView. You might
want to hold off tracing buildings until the details are confirmed.

How to make use of these tiles:


When the next version of Potlatch is live, you can just select 'UK: OS
StreetView' from the background menu in the options box.

Until then, just add this custom URL:!/!/!.png


Create a new WMS layer with the following url:;

or alternatively use the SlippyMap plugin for which you can find
instructions of how to add custom tile sources at
with as slippymap.custom_tile_source_1.url


1) In the Tools menu, open the TMS Servers Editor.
2) Add the following:
Name: OS Street View
Server address:
Path: /sv/%1/%2/%3.png
Tile size: 256
Minimum zoom: 6
Maximum zoom: 16
Hit 'apply' and add the new TMS to a map layer.

You can find out more about the OS OpenData products on the OSM wiki here:

And finally a vote of thanks to all those at the OS, past and present, who
created the data originally and to the OSM folks who have worked hard over
the last few days to create the tiles, especially Grant, Richard, Thomas and
TomH. Apologies if I have missed anyone out.




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