On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 12:19 PM, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
> On 08/05/2010 12:08, Sam Vekemans wrote:
>> +101 for rendering it brown, so its different than NCN, RCN, LCN
>> I can use it&  promote it for the 'Trans Canada Trail' as a 'exact
>> definition' as a "leasure route" with 'cycling being 1 activity, but
>> not designated for that 1 activity'&  mountain biking / road cycling /
>> hiking / ATV /canoeing /motercycle /dogsled differences are 'purposly
>> blured'
>> -the actual activities are signposted. And the ways would very,
>> depending on the ground truths.
> Thinking a bit further:
> At present we have three types of rendered cycle route: NCN, RCN and LCN.

Four. Mountain biking routes also get rendered. In green. On a green
background. I know, I know.


Also missing is international cycle networks, but IMHO they don't
really exist separately from NCNs, so I've not been rushing to render
them until other higher-priority stuff gets sorted.

> Really, the National Byway is a fourth category: a leisure/touring
> route. There are lots of these in OSM at the moment, but generally
> tagged as LCN (for example, the Four Castles Cycle Route in
> Monmouthshire, or a number around Cheshire). This is pretty
> unsatisfactory, as Local Cycle Networks are generally utility commuter
> routes.

I disagree here, I don't see in what way the National Cycle Network
isn't a leisure/touring route.

It's also worth pointing out that the n in ncn, lcn and rcn is clearly
the wrong thing to have done, since the routes don't need to be part
of a network - they should be route=ncr. Also, in the UK we have one
specific network called (perhaps self-importantly?) "*THE* National
Cycle Network", which leads to confusion. route=ncn should be used for
any signed cycling route with national scope/importance regardless of
Sustran's involvement. So the National Byway should be route=ncn,
except that it's not a cycling network, it's a byway network.

As Richard said earlier, I'll get round to rendering it at some point
when the system upgrade is complete.


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