Superb and thanks,
Open Knowledge Scotland is the perfect venue to go forward with this

--- On Sun, 9/5/10, Jo Walsh <> wrote:

From: Jo Walsh <>
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] National Map Library of Scotland API
To: "Bob Kerr" <>
Date: Sunday, 9 May, 2010, 15:34

dear Bob, all,

On 08/05/2010 18:17, Bob Kerr wrote:
> Hi, I have been in touch with them and they are keen that we should be
> allowed to use their data so that we can create derived information that
> we can use for Openstreetmap. They have told me that they are willing to
> use the Open Database Licence with OSM they may just need some
> clarification of some minor details

> Is there anyone on the list that has experience with licensing that
> could get in touch with them. I am happy to be an intermediary and I
> have met them more than once and they know me. I would just like a
> little backup because this could be very beneficial to us in
> openstreetmap and to the Library. It would be beneficial to the library
> because they get more interest and recognition for their work

Okay, Chris Fleet (the Map Librarian at NLS) will be presenting this service at 
Open Knowledge Scotland, and relevantly, Charlotte Waelde and Andres Guadamuz, 
old colleagues of Jordan Hatcher (of Open Data Commons/ODBL) at SCRIPT, they'll 
be doing a "clinic" on open data licensing issues.

So we can make sure everyone meets - Bob i see you're on the okscotland 
attendee list already which is great because we're well overcapacity - and even 
raise this as a test case at their clinic, if they have that kind of 

Bob, i did forward Chris and Petr the original mail from Frederik lasy week, if 
there's any followup I'll definitely cc you (and look forward to meeting on 

I could also *try* asking JISC Legal, it would be useful to get stable advisory 
words wrt ODbL from them.



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