I hate to sound pesemeistic, and may have missed somthing, but...

Do we have any gaurentee that this inacuracy isn't some messed up copy
protection/obfucation/deliberate error/easter egg thing introduced by OS? I
know they shouldn't have, but they are a relitivly clumsy organisation, and
I'm sure there are people there that that don't like what's going on here,
there are all sorts of ways that this could have happened.

Also, are we sure that we are using a completly accurate reprojection back
form OS grid, with all of it's kinks and oddities?


On 30 May 2010 23:32, James Hogan <ja...@albanarts.com> wrote:

> On Sunday 30 May 2010 12:16:33 Tim François wrote:
> > By the way, which method are people using to re-project the
> VectorDistrict
> > data? I'm using the inbuilt datum in gdal - is anyone using the correct
> > *.prj file, and is there a difference?
> I'm using vectormap in Merkaartor from Git with the original prj files. I
> just
> tried in my area (york) with the modified prj file pointed to by Chris Hill
> and the difference is only around 30cm.
> The discrepancy between streetview tiles, vectormap and osm can be seen in
> this merkaartor screenshot:
> http://albanarts.com/~james/osm/pics/os_offsets_heworth.jpeg<http://albanarts.com/%7Ejames/osm/pics/os_offsets_heworth.jpeg>
> I don't think the reprojection of the original streetview tiles is the
> issue,
> as the buildlings generated by TimSC's script from the original tiles are
> only
> offset from the reprojected tiles by about 3m to the west here.
> Cheers
> James
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