On 08/08/2010 23:59, Robert Scott wrote:
... This is necessary to keep showing the user a relevant amount of detail.

I'm failing to understand why it's necessary. As I've tried to explain, at the lower zoom levels the info is unnecessary as it's unusable. Your circles/rectangles refer to street level data. therefore users need to zoom in to at least level 14 to make any sense of what they're looking at.

You can't have people zooming all the way in to milton keynes and it still only 
show you the one little circle that was visible at the country level.

It doesn't need the circles at country level. let the users zoom into the area they know/are interested in before the data is displayed.
It would work much quicker - at the moment it's clunky.

Or do you expect people to have to manually click refresh every time they want 
more results? How would they discover that? More textual instructions? There's 
limited space on the panel.

The non-authoritative views are only meant as a rough overview before you get 
zoomed in enough.

Yeah, but you're looking at it from the perspective of the person who's
programmed it&  knows it's every nuance.
I'm looking at it from the view of a power user.

Please try looking at it from the perspective of someone, even a power user, who's using it for the first time.

Try looking at it from the point of view of the newbies - they'll want
to zoom in to their local town, where they'll understand what they're
looking at before deciphering all the options.

The titles you use don't offer clarity for them. Musical Chairs, as a
prime example, gives no indication of what the program does.
No, I didn't consult a focus group before I slapped that name infront of it if 
that's what you're asking.

Instead of a simple Help you've got What?&  even Algorithm - who, of
those that want to *use* your web page need to know how it was
programmed? If somebody really does, they can email you.
It was written back when this stuff really was just an algorithm and I found a 
couple of free hours to write up an explanation. It's the only page I had on it 
- so I included a link to it.

Under What? you give half the information required. Instead of
explaining the differences in colours you just say "It is coloured
according to whether it has a similarly named and placed counterpart in
OSM and how good the agreement is between them." Not specifically
It's also out of date.

That's the problem with writing help etc. It goes out of date as soon as you 
change things. Every time you add more help/documentation, you increase the 
burden of keeping it up to date.

The trick is to _try_ and make it all as obvious and discoverable as possible. 
That was my idea with the little hoverable question mark.

Why does it start at a zoom level that includes half of Northern Europe?
Because when you tell openlayers to show a view including a certain bbox (GB) 
it picks the highest zoomlevel it can that will show the whole thing. You'll 
find that the next zoomlevel up will cut off part of GB.

This is a half decent utility, to needs some teaks to make it user friendly.
You are expecting too much from me.

Actually I think I'm expecting less from you. Keep it simple - don't display data at levels where it's of no use.

And, as Tim F., points outs - there's no need to display correct info (green) at all.

Sorry to ask again, but what does blue represent?

Dave F.

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