On 26/09/2010 23:47, Richard Palmer wrote:
Dear all,

        I'm involved in a project looking at the history of a street in London
        (The Strand). One of things we'd like to do is produce a 'animated' map
        showing the changes along it from the C18th onwards. I've had a go at
        adding some attributes to OSM for building dates and then generated
        different tiles for layers each century, (quick demo up at:

Is this what we should be using OSM for? For me OSM is for *current* data (I've been deleting any demolished buildings).

This project sounds great, but should be set up as a separate entity. The database would become far to cluttered otherwise.

I've an abandoned railway in my area where sections of it are now invisible having been completely leveled & used as agricultural land. Someone's tagged these as railway=abandoned. I don't think they should.

Dave F.

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