Defaults would have to be set nationally or regionally.

My TagCentral proposal would address this.
I really must get round to doing something about it.


On Monday, November 1, 2010, Colin Smale <> wrote:
> On 01/11/2010 19:36, David Earl wrote:
> On Monday, November 1, 2010, Andy Allan<>  wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 9:52 PM, Colin Smale<>  wrote:
> On 29/10/2010 22:22, thomas van der veen wrote:
> You might like to take note that nothing is implicit in OSM. There are no
> "defaults" as renderers or other consumers of the map data are unconstrained
> as to how they handle missing tags. Ideally all roads should have maxspeed
> explicitly tagged, even if it could be implied from the road class or other
> information.
> I disagree quite strongly on this. I see little point in pointlessly
> adding tags when they there is a sensible default. For example, we
> don't need to tag 98% of roads as "oneway=no", and in the same way we
> don't need to tag 98% of UK residential roads as "maxspeed=30mph".
> Life's too short for that kind of tedium. That's why we (actually do)
> have implicit information in OSM.
> +1
> David
> I agree with you both too. I was merely stating (for the benefit of a new 
> mapper) that there is no working system of defaults. It would be very helpful 
> if such a thing were to exist, but right now, there are no defaults. 
> "oneway=no" is a bit of a no-brainer but the majority of "unwritten rules" 
> ("implicit information") are not quite as obvious. In some cases, the wiki 
> states that certain tags may be implied from others (e.g. highway=motorway 
> implies oneway=yes) but these are, in general, poorly documented and 
> information is fragmented and not easy to find. A welcome exception is the 
> wiki page covering access tags for different highways[1]. Renderers or other 
> "users" are just as much free to do their own thing as mappers are. The only 
> thing that stops the whole shooting match descending into chaos is a set of 
> agreements between producers and consumers. If it's not written down, and 
> communicated appropriately, it might as well not exist. If you want to be 
> unambiguous, use an explicit tag.
> So why not start documenting all these defaults or implied values? Here's a 
> few suggestions to get the ball rolling.
> highway=motorway    implies oneway=yes, lanes=2
> highway=*, oneway=no    implies    lanes=2
> highway=* AND lanes>=2 AND oneway=yes  implies maxspeed=70mph
> highway=* AND lanes>=2  AND oneway=no  implies maxspeed=60mph
> highway=*    implies maxspeed=60mph
> highway=residential    implies maxspeed=30mph
> junction=roundabout    implies oneway=yes
> Colin
> [1] 

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