How often are the tiles updated?  It would be really useful if the analysis
map showed what date the tiles are from (well the data they are using) as I
have put a number of changes in and while the statistics have changed the
tiles remain the same, I'm guessing it's every few days?

However it's a really nifty tool - knocking in a number of missing roads
round the borough (some rural areas are brilliantly mapped, some haven't
been touched since the NPE stuff went in ( with all the corrections that
needs I'm so tempted just to blow everything away and start again in places)
and adding a load more to my check list*. I've also been spotting some
"nice" things to map (areas with lots of paths, buildings, and sports
fields) that are devoid of GPS traces (so nothing to align Bing too) that
others might like to pick up (i'm unlike to visit anywhere near Charnwood
boundary for instance) and for those nearer to home it gives me something to
aim at.

* Does anyone have an opinion on using Open Street Bugs for this - been
correcting a few obvious typos (mainly in places I did from
Streetview/surveys - my spelling sucks) but there are lots of questions
remaining (e.g. does the road to Tithby really have two names - i.e. Tithby
Road and Tythby Road - or have the OS got some typo's/copyright traps in
Locator and Streetview?) - I've been adding to Open Street Bugs for two
reasons, it highlights to someone else not using the OSM Analysis that it
needs checking; and it also shows up in OSMAnd so when I'm out on the bike I
can pick up something nearby.


On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 3:42 PM, Peter Miller <>wrote:

> ITO are pleased to offer out updated version of OSM Analysis with a
> thematic overview page allowing us to see how we are getting on in different
> parts of the county.
> To get the top prize 95% of the roads represented in OS Locator need to be
> in OSM and there are 17 districts which achieve that today. We also have 88
> districts with less that 50% coverage which need a little TLC and the rest
> are in-between.
> Check out our announcement here and give it a whirl!
> Regards,
> Peter Miller
> ITO World Ltd
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