On 16 February 2011 16:33, Andy Mabbett <a...@pigsonthewing.org.uk> wrote:
> In the last few minutes; yes, thanks - I'd used boundary:fence instead
> of barrier:fence - doh!

There is a slight problem under mapnik with this use of barrier=*


At the moment its only true for barrier=hedge. As I mention in the
ticket rendering of area barriers is now inconsistent, and at least
that inconsistency needs to be resolved. At the moment I think
reversion would be best. I've certainly made plenty of use of
barrier=wall as a boundary.

http://osm.org/go/eutD1wknt-    (I must get around to adding postcodes
based on the method outlined in the thread)

Tangentially, I have had some discussion with another mapper
(achadwick) in Oxford about the correct way to tag residential
gardens; which lead to another mapnik ticket:


I don't really have a strong position on this, but neither
leisure=garden+access=private or
landuse=residential+residential=garden, seem satisfactory. I'm not
happy with these as extending them to handle other types of garden is
really not elegant, e.g.:


Any thoughts?


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