On Mon, 21 Mar 2011, Ed Loach wrote:

> Steve wrote:
> > How do you tag these? I confess I don't really know what they are.
> I'd be tempted to make up a tag, or maybe use designation= as I
> think often the centres are primarily something else.
> http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Parents/Preschooldevelopmentandlearning/
> NurseriesPlaygroupsReceptionClasses/DG_173054
> says what they are, and I know the nursery where my son goes has the
> logo on the outside, but they are definitely a nursery first and
> provide a room for the weekly health visitor where very young
> children can go and have their regular weigh-in. Doing a search for
> other centres locally and one is a kindergarten and the other is a
> family centre (whatever one of those is, but sounds like some
> council provided facility and an OSM wiki search suggests to me
> amenity=social_facility may be appropriate for that one.)

I have mapped one as a school, but I guess it should be a kindergarten:


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