On 3 April 2011 10:28, Andy Allan <gravityst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've found this in swathes of south London - pairs of naptan and
> non-naptan bus stops along major roads, suggesting that it's been
> years of things not being fixed up before I noticed. I was quite
> surprised to see that given that London is one of our most
> actively-mapped areas!

One reason is probably that swathes of south London were mapped in parties
pre:NAPTAN and haven't seen much comprehensive love since then from local
mappers. I've noticed many of the bus stop pairs in areas that also still
have TimC's very roughly traced residential areas and a thin smattering of

It would be interesting to use these bus stop pairs (and the verified tag on
NAPTAP stops); the OS Locator comparison tools; perhaps POI density and
TimC's residential areas; all to produce an audit of the OSM community in
London... which areas are receiving active attention, and which are just
improved occasionally by people passing through?

My perception is that in Southwark, for example, only about a third of it is
"actively mapped".


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