When using Potlatch 2 I sometimes get the error message 'couldn't load map'.
There are two solutions, one being to switch to Potlatch 1 and the other it
is come back later. There are periods of time when the error is very
persistent and then a week or two can go by without any occurrences. Right
now it is impossible to edit in PL2. I have googled the phrase and it is
clear that other people do get it from time to time but some people are
putting it down to finger trouble of being zoomed out too far. It doesn't
appear to be either of those.

My guess is that Potlatch2 is fussier about the response time from the
server than Potlatch 1. Whatever the cause, it must be very off-putting for
an newbie trying to edit for the first time.

Anyone else getting this and have any other information or work-rounds?


Peter Miller
(user: PeterIto)
Talk-GB mailing list

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