On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Peter Oliver <p.d.oli...@mavit.org.uk> wrote:

> It seems like I'm now armed with enough knowledge to get stuck in and start
> mapping some footpaths, using whichever tagging method I happen to prefer.
>  However, both Mapnik and Osmarender display these two supposedly equivalent
> forms of footpath differently!  Osmarender uses different colours, and
> Mapnik replaces a dotted pink line with a dashed black one.

While lots of other people have already chipped in, here's my
tuppenceworth - OpenCycleMap, in contrast to the layers you mention,
doesn't give a fig between them, and converts one method into the
equivalent tagging on the other[1]. My opinion is that there's no
fundamental difference between the two methods; if there ever was a
difference then given 95% of people hold differing opinions as to what
the difference was; and that it's up to the renderer to ignore
pointless differences in tagging (real, imagined, disputed etc) and
produce a useful map[2].

Unfortunately the other renderers have taken the "soft" option and
merely given each highway value a different colour and pattern, which
helps nobody apart from those who think they are somehow different but
has the advantage that the most vocal people one way or another are

If anyone thinks that they mean different things (e.g. paths are
muddy, footways are surfaced or somesuch) then the only sensible
approach is to explicitly mark those difference (e.g. with the surface
tag), due to all the misunderstandings and disagreements that have
gone on over the years.

Anyway, the rest of your email I agree with, so just crack on with the mapping!


[1] Which way round is unimportant, but the actual code is at
[2] Oh, and other map styles I've created also abstract the
differences away - see the MapQuest and my Transport layers, for

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