On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 1:17 AM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

>> 2) Why the need for even one?  After all, the "ref" tag on all the
>> component parts of the A1 should identify them without the need for a
>> relation.
> True. A relation should only be needed if a stretch of road is shared by
> several numbered routes (don't know if that happens at all in the UK).

It doesn't, although I'll lay money on some people arguing about some
exception somewhere or another that turns out to be wrong anyway.

> However, because the availability of services that can quickly respond to a
> query like "give me everything tagged ref=A1 in the UK" is patchy, people
> tend to create relations as easy access handles - once you have such a
> relation, you can simply get /api/0.6/relation/12345/full

Gah, that's reason enough to delete them.


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