Hey Graham,

All very helpful information, thank you very very much :-)

I just managed to figure out where I got to. I basically followed the tutorial 

to save you clicking it, I haven't even got the osm stylesheet yet, but I have 
rendered a rather sweet view of the entire world. Not too shabby, and not 
exactly advanced, but I was quite happy.

So any pointers for the biggest learning curve bit? ;-)

Maybe I should wait for the thang Richard mentioned, although I'd love to get 
something at a more local level than the entire world rendered in Mapnik, just 
so I can tick that off my to-do list :-)



On 15 Jun 2011, at 22:41, Graham Jones wrote:

> Hi Adam,
> No problem - these lists have been a bit busy over the last few days....
> If you have got mapnik running and generating maps using the 'standard' osm 
> stylesheet, you have got over the biggest learning curve.    You will 
> probably have noticed that the 'standard' osm stylesheet is very complicated 
> - this is because it renders lots of different information differently at 
> different zoom levels.
> If you want to add contours, it is possible to do that by importing the 
> contours into your postgresql database, and modifying the standard osm style 
> file to plot them.   I have a crude example of this at 
> http://code.google.com/p/ntmisc/source/browse/#svn%2Fkefalonia_map - all my 
> changes compared to the standard osm style file are in the 'inc' directory - 
> I added a file that defines the style for the contour line drawing, and also 
> changed some other files to include the new one - search the osm wiki for 
> contours to see how to get contours into your postgresql database.   I did a 
> little write up on how I did this (but not much detail I am afraid) at 
> http://nerdytoad.blogspot.com/2011/04/kefalonia-map.html.
> To work on building up a mapnik stylesheet from scratch to get a better 
> understanding of how it works, I would suggest starting on a simple 
> transparent overlay to display over other map tiles.   I put together a few 
> slides on my version of how to render map data with mapnik, which you can see 
> at http://maps3.org.uk/doc/index.html.   If you look at 
> http://maps3.org.uk/osm_opendata, the 'about' link has a bit of a descripton 
> of how I produced the overlays for that map (another example of a very simple 
> overlay).
> Both of the above examples use the standard xml stylesheet for mapnik.   I 
> have been experimenting with a different way of producing the xml stylesheet 
> using a different language and a pre-processor called 'carto'.   I did a 
> little write up at 
> http://nerdytoad.blogspot.com/2011/05/rendering-openstreetmap-data-using.html 
> on where I have got to - It is much less complete than the full OSM 
> stylesheet, and I think I need to learn some of the tricks used in that style 
> to make the map look better, but I think it is simpler to see what it is 
> doing, so I think I will stick with this for simple things.
> Hope that gets you started.   Let me know if you get stuck and I will see 
> what I can do.   The mapnik-users mailing list is a good place to ask for 
> help too.
> Regards
> Graham. 
> On 15 June 2011 14:22, Adam Hoyle <adam.li...@dotankstudios.com> wrote:
> Hi Graham,
> Sorry, I got a bit over excited and subscribed to tons of OSM mailing lists 
> and so totally missed your awesome reply :-(
> Sorry if I wasn't clear - I've successfully got Mapnik installed (did it a 
> week or three ago and it was pretty painless as far as I recall), so am 
> particularly after a sample config file to start from, particularly one with 
> hill contours / gradients / 
> whatever-they-are-really-called-outside-the-confines-of-my-head.
> Altho' having said that the package that Parveen Arora is putting together 
> looks pretty awesome, so maybe I should hold out for that, even tho' it looks 
> more targeted for Debian than OS X - I guess if push comes to shove I could 
> install Debian in VMware, which I already have on my laptop.
> By the way townguide looks rather amazing, so adding that to my (rather long) 
> list of things to check out :-)
> Thanks for the offer of helping generate the configuration file, not sure of 
> the best way to do that tho' as I want something I can start with and hack 
> around with and iterate a lot until it's "right". The primary thing I want is 
> pubs and post boxes available when zoomed out (ideally the same zoom range as 
> footpaths show up on), and if possible the mountain gradients/contours - I've 
> seen a couple of maps "in the wild" that use these, but not sure how 
> possible/straightforward it is for a Mapnik newbie such as myself.
> Cheers,
> Adam
> On 10 Jun 2011, at 10:46, Graham Jones wrote:
>> Adam (changed the title of the thread to keep this one separate),
>> The simplest way to do it is to make overlays that are transparent and you 
>> can view over another set of tiles.   
>> I have done a few before now - there is one visible at http://maps3.org.uk, 
>> which highlights historic things over the normal mapnik rendering.
>> I still have the idea to set up something to make the learning curve easier, 
>> because I appreciate that setting up mapnik and all its dependencies is 
>> quite daunting - there is something on my osm user page about it 
>> (grahamjones).
>> If you want to do it yourself, there are a few different sets of 
>> instructions - the osm wiki 'mapnik' page is a good start.  Note that linux 
>> is much easier than Windows (or at least there are better instructions!).
>> I have a set of instructions that work for me at 
>> http://code.google.com/p/townguide/wiki/InstallationInstructions.   (there 
>> may be a minor issue with postgresql authentication that I need to fix).
>> Parveen Aurora is currently working on making a simple package that will 
>> install and configure everything for you for his Google Summer of Code 
>> project, but you will have to give him a few weeks to get something ready 
>> for testing (https://github.com/ParveenArora/MeraMap).
>> If you would like to work out what you would like to render (ie which tag 
>> combinations), how you would like them drawn (line colour and width, icon 
>> image etc.), I can help you turn that into a mapnik configuration file and 
>> generate the map for you on my computer.    I think it is better to spend 
>> time thinking about the rendering than having to worry about database 
>> configuration nuts and bolts.
>> Regards
>> Graham.
>> Regards
>> Graham.
>> On 10 June 2011 10:27, Adam Hoyle <adam.li...@dotankstudios.com> wrote:
>> Sorry in advance - after writing this I've realised I'm possibly heading off 
>> on a tangent (I do that).
>> Speaking of the awesomeness of Cycle Map and how that encourages people - I 
>> really want an openwalkingtothepubmap, which would basically be a clone of 
>> the gorgeous cycle map, but with the coloured cycle routes removed in favour 
>> of coloured paths and also pubs visible when quite zoomed out (and prolly 
>> post boxes too, but that is probably particularly niche).
>> I'm starting to realise that I might need to roll up my sleeves and do this 
>> myself.
>> Every now and then I try to install Mapnik on my Mac, and mostly fail, but I 
>> tried t'other day and it worked, so I'm wondering where the various styles 
>> that are used on OSM are kept (or even if they are actually available for 
>> derivative use) - I'm most keen on cyclemap or something that has gradients, 
>> cos as a walker I'm quite interested in whether I am about to walk over a 
>> massive hill or not.
>> Can anyone point me in the right direction?
>> All the best,
>> Adam
>> On 10 Jun 2011, at 09:35, Bob Kerr wrote:
>>> I agree with Andy about increasing the number of mappers is essential. With 
>>> Cycle map he has increased the interest in the cycling communities. Getting 
>>> interest and publicity is very difficult. I can see many other communities 
>>> that we could encourage to start helping us, from NHS to golfers but we 
>>> have no organised way of doing this at the moment. Using a bot to replace 
>>> large sections of data in the UK is going to be counterproductive or 
>>> destructive, especially as the UK is now 80% (road name)complete.  However 
>>> restricting a bot by area to the size of small villages may help. I believe 
>>> we can both encourage people to join us and use the a bot on small areas at 
>>> the same time.
>>> Cheers
>>> bob
>>> From: Andy Allan <gravityst...@gmail.com>
>>> To: sk53_...@yahoo.co.uk
>>> Cc: talk-gb@openstreetmap.org
>>> Sent: Thursday, 9 June 2011, 16:45
>>> Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] OSM Analysis New Data and bot
>>> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 3:42 PM, Jerry Clough : SK53 on OSM
>>> <sk53_...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>> > In order to get  a better level of completeness in the UK what we need are
>>> > more mappers.
>>> Absolutely.
>>> Everything we do should be focussed on helping get more mappers, or
>>> helping the mappers we have get their jobs done more easily.
>>> Everything that is a direct substitute for having more mappers is, at
>>> best, a distraction from (what I see as) the desired goal. If we have
>>> mappers, and lots of them, then - as we've now demonstrated - we can
>>> get a glorious dataset.
>>> Note that not everyone here shares the same goals - some people are
>>> focussed on the data, others on the community. It might be worth
>>> examining why we (collectively) have a tendency to discuss the data
>>> all the time and I see very few discussions on community matters.
>>> I find in most conversations, if the answer is "because we don't have
>>> enough mappers yet" then the solution is not to bypass them with some
>>> form of automation but to get more of them. Unfortunately to most
>>> OSMers, community building seems hard (which it is), and writing bots
>>> or doing imports seems easy (which it's not).
>>> > A bot is putting short-term gain ahead of our long-term interests.
>>> Indeed. What's more, all the effort that goes into writing bots,
>>> discussing them, justifying them etc is time that hasn't gone into the
>>> primary goal of recruiting and helping more people to OSM.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Andy
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>> -- 
>> Graham Jones
>> Hartlepool, UK.
> -- 
> Graham Jones
> Hartlepool, UK.

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