Good news.

I hope that helps a number of UK contributors who have been uncertain as to whether they can accept the new contributor terms because their contributions are derived in part from OS OpenData. Unless you have used Code-Point Open data, unequivocally, yes you can.

Following my correspondence and a follow-up informal meeting by Henk Hoff, I am now pleased to announce that the licensing group of the Ordnance Survey has explicitly considered any licensing conflict between their license and ODbL and "has no objections to geodata derived in part from OS OpenData being released under the Open Database License 1.0." At the moment, this excludes Code-Point Open, (postcode) data since they are awaiting a response from Royal Mail who have rights in that dataset.

Pending the Royal Mail response, the OS may well also add a specific ODbL compatibility clause.

If permitted, I will make some of the correspondence public so that you can see the exact question asked and the response.

I would like to thank the Ordnance Survey for their kind consideration and the speed in which they were able to give a response.

Michael Collinson
License Working Group

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