On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 5:25 PM, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net>wrote:

> Robert Whittaker (OSM) wrote:
> > There's a draft statement in the LWG minutes a few
> > weeks ago [2]. I wonder if LWG got round to approving this
> > at their most recent meeting...
> They have now done so!
> "In response to community requests, the LWG formally clarifies as follows:
> "The intent of the Contributor Terms as regards contributions that come
> from
> or are derived from third parties is:
> "1) To ask the contributor to be *reasonably* certain that such data can be
> distributed under the specific specific licenses, as explicitly listed in
> clause 3 of the contributor terms:  CC-BY-SA 2.0 and ODbL 1.0.

Well, I'm reasonably certain that the Ordnance Survey have not permitted
their content to be licensed using the DbCL.  While they may have stated
that their content can be distributed as part of a database that licensed
under ODbL they made no reference to what content license should be used.

This was probably an oversight, but with an explicit statement about which
content license is applicable the default assumption has to be that their
content is still published with *only* an OS OpenData license not with a
DbCL license.

I'm sure if I'm wrong about this someone will be able to point me to the
statement where this is covered.

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