Sven, Brian,
There are two reasons that this only works for the UK (or really the UK and
Ireland) at the moment:

   - My OSM database only covers this region.   It could probably cope with
   a larger area (maybe Europe), but I have never tried - it is running on my
   old Laptop so it is not particularly powerful (but does use <20W, and I
   worry about my Carbon footprint!).
   - The method that I use to produce the map would not scale well to large
   areas - there is a single file for each feature for the entire area, so if
   I make the area larger the download time for the files could become very
   large, and make the map feel unresponsive.   (I think that I will struggle
   even to extend the maps to uk pubs, because the pub data file is over 9MB,
   which would need downloading every time a user views the map.  There are
   ways around this:
      - Split the data into different files for different areas (basically
      cut it into tiles like we do map images).
      - Use a database on the server and extract only the data covering the
      area being displayed - could be done, but I do not have the code
to keep a
      mySql database on a remote server up to date with OSM data.

I think that these could be solved, but it will mean a change to the data
handling system.     If you are interested in developing one of these, let
me know and we can collaborate on it.



On 15 November 2011 15:48, Brian Prangle <> wrote:

> Hi everyone
> Whilst I originally envisaged this as a UK project, what Sven has brought
> up does suggest that it has a global perspective, but I doubt if Graham's
> time or server could cope with something that large. The wine industry is
> certainly global and Heineken( not real ale I know!) has 115 plants in 65
> countries. Food (or drink) for thought ;-)
> Regards
> Brian
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Hartlepool, UK.
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