> So what does that mean re the "OS saying the council copyrights the data,
> and the councils say the OS copyrights the data" situation?

Well I think it means that when the "councils say the OS copyrights
the data" that you can show them a little piece of paper that says
otherwise. What would be really nice is if the OS would just ask all
councils permission to release the data and then just release it all.
Perhaps by April 2013?


On 1 December 2011 10:24, Nick Whitelegg <nick.whitel...@solent.ac.uk> wrote:
>>There are more words about the OS being "committed" to changing its
>>"derived data restrictions on Local Authorities' 'Public Rights of
>>Way' data" which is not really news. Additionally the OS has also
>>committed to release a set of "National Trails" in collaboration with
>>Natural England, by April 2013. 2013? What happened to just getting
>>the data out-there?
> So what does that mean re the "OS saying the council copyrights the data,
> and the councils say the OS copyrights the data" situation?
> Probably quicker just to map the ROWs ourselves. I'll be launching a
> "Hampshire 2012" initiative on OSM to try and get the county's footpaths
> complete (or as near complete as dammit) by the end of next year.
> Nick
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