Hi, as Mike said,
Any edits that are on the chopping block to be deleted, if you create
a list of those contributors, then over on the fosm.org side, those
edits can be saved.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mike  Dupont <jamesmikedup...@googlemail.com>
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2012 15:59:40 +0100
Subject: Re: [OSM Fork] Dealing with OSM Remappers and odbl
Blackmailers in Europe
To: osm-f...@googlegroups.com

Hi there,
if you provide us with a list of people to block we will block them
from the sync.
your data is not lost, we can reimport the older versions as well.

On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Georg Schmitt
<georgschmit...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm an osm member from Germany, who did not yet agree to those
> "contributor terms" and that new license. I'm thinking more and more
> about decling and leaving the project, because they keep spamming me
> with messages threatening to delete the data which I contributed, in
> case that I do not agree. I feel like being blackmailed. It's like
> "Give your work away to some people, I dont know, or we will destroy
> your work!"
> They do not only threaten to do this, but they are already stealing or
> destroying my work and that from other mappers. Sometimes they just
> copypaste streets and upload them as their work and sometimes they
> just delete streets or the names, max speed, sources, and other
> properties. It makes me sad when I see how my hard work is thrown
> away.
> I thought that my work would be safe at fosm when I heard about it.
> But I have looked at your data and I was shocked. My work and that of
> others has been stolen or destroyed in fosm too. I do not want to have
> to do the whole work again because some self declared cleaners throw
> away everything that I have mapped.
> I have read that you want to stop osm members deleting data in
> Australia, but what do you want to do about the rest of the world?
> - Georg

James Michael DuPont
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