On 11 Jan 2012 22:08, "Lester Caine" <les...@lsces.co.uk> wrote:
> Lester Caine wrote:
>> I know what areas of data I am working on.
> OK Just crashed it again ... but having done at least a couple of hours
work and saved MOST of it.
> So to log current state ...
> Flash area just went grey
> Bottom line has "Transfering data from ecn.t0.tiles.virtualearth.net..."
> Processors are quiet
> RAM at 35%
> Swap 0%
> Trying to close tab get
> "This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you
have entered may not be saved" and this leaves a track in the grey area.

Do you have multiple browser tabs open? There's a horrible flash bug on at
least 64 bit Linux that will happily freeze any and all flash instances
within your browser. The culprit is usually some stupid video advert in a
tab you're not even using. It seems to get more likely the more flash is

Symptoms are all your flash areas going grey and unresponsive.

Only mitigation I found is use a separate browser for editing. If your
normal browser is Firefox, just fire up chrome for potlatch only to stop
the interference. I was actually using this in a non-potlatch context:
trying to watch f1 practice on iPlayer at the same time as surfing news

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