On 15 January 2012 19:27, Ed Avis <e...@waniasset.com> wrote:

> If you reposition the new node in same place as the old one, this hasn't 
> really
> achieved anything.  At best, it has obscured the history a bit so it's no 
> longer
> quite so clear that the node was originally added by a CT-decliner.

It rarely ends up in exactly the same place - when I'm doing these
node replacements I take time to remodel junctions, improve curves and
so on. The contribution is my own, not an obfuscation of history. The
"O" keypress is just a little labour saving, not a "charade".

> Rather than going through this charade why not just add odbl=clean to the 
> node?

Because that would be incorrect. The odbl=clean is not a "I somehow
assert that I would do the same, therefore ignore the IPR record". The
tag is to indicate "where their contribution have "washed out" and
where the contributor(s) in question cannot reasonably claim any
rights to the current feature"[1] - i.e. subsequent edits have
entirely overwritten any IPR in the non-acceptor's contributions. It's
easy to see that the tag is therefore completely inappropriate for
adding to any v1 objects, for a start.

Of course, since the odbl=clean tag is so widely misinterpreted, by
you and seemingly by many others, the tag becomes as meaningless as
foot=yes[2] . It wouldn't actually make any difference during a
changeover anyway - that's the whole point of the tag, after all, to
indicate that even if you removed every conceivable trace of
non-accepting edits from this feature, then end result would be the
same - so there seems little point in adding it. So it's a bizarre tag
- when misunderstood it's applied incorrectly, and when understood
fully it barely makes sense to use it anyway.


[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:odbl%3Dclean
[2] Originally meaning "this is a legally declared 'Public Footpath',
it was ambiguously confused with a general legal right of walking
(e.g. on a bridleway). Automatic inclusion on all footpaths of any
type by potlatch1 for a number of years, it became effectively
meaningless as a designator for Public Footpaths, and a new tag
(designation=public_footpath) was eventually created.

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