I have just been having a play with open.mapquest. It looks really good,
and would love to see it used more. 

I did come up with one strange, but hopefully easyly fixed, problem. I
have put in a route from Markfield, Leicestershire to Wem, Shropshire.
Initially it all looks good, it uses the M6 Toll, selecting avoid tolls
and the route changes to the M6 through Birmingham.

Then the strange one, I tried the avoid motorways option, expecting it
find its way to the A50 avoiding the M1 and then use the A500, A53
route. The route it comes up with looks very bizare, as well as avoiding
motorways it has also excluded trunk (green) roads, resulting in a route
composed entirely of B roads and secondary (red) A roads.

I have reported this to them, so will see if they come back with a

Its not an OSM problem, but anyone any idea why they have done it like

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