> And some. I ordered by type and randomly clicked on a dozen and
> haven't found one you haven't already squashed.
> I have better luck finding things using badmap.

Sorry for a late reply; my hard drive started to fail on Wednesday
and it has taken this long to get replacement bits and what was
salvageable backed up and restored. Being away all weekend hasn't
helped (at least not in fixing my machine, but I did verify a
tainted Costa node in Wolverhampton <g>).

While I was working down the list yours was one of about 5 names I
encountered for ways that were already clean. I believe that all
motorways, trunks and primaries are now clean (and their links), and
that the secondary list is the one we need to work on. The stuff at
work where the test runs gave me time to fix other ways has now
reached an end, so I doubt I'll get much chance this week (unless
other stuff that is on my task list presents similar opportunities).


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