On 29 May 2012 18:52, Chris Hill <o...@raggedred.net> wrote:

> My question is: how do you know the boundary aligns with an existing
> object?

Aha! A very good point.

I suppose in my case because I've been actively involved in canvassing for
a political party for years in the area, I know which wards people on
different streets live on both from maps I've seen at some point, the
electoral register, talking to colleagues who are familiar with wards and
from going round and talking to people on the doorstep who know which ward
they're in. With that all in my head and a clear overlap between boundaries
and features in my local area it's pretty easy to get the wards right.
Perhaps that's not really local knowledge and I should remove the data?

It does raise the question of how worthwhile it is to enter boundaries
where precision is important (e.g. between houses but not so much in the
middle of a rural field) if we have no copyright-free way of determining
exactly where boundaries are.


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